Tuesday, 31 July 2012

How to Lose Weight with Herbalife

So, basically if you're on a diet without eating rice.. ask yourself.. are you happy? We Malaysians find it a bit difficult not to eat rice and i know that. But with Herbalife, you can still have a healthy diet while eating rice.

As shown in the diagram above, you only need to replace your normal breakfast and dinner with Herbalife Formula 1 shake and you can have you lunch as per usual. I know it sounds very difficult to give up dinner but trust me (really trust me) it will only get easier from time to time. I cannot say that it's easy the first few days but this is where Herbalife will help your body to discipline itself to a healthier way of eating. Once you find the rhythm, you will experience lightness in your body and your clothes seem to get a bit looser.

Since you're on a diet, you need to remind yourself to control what you eat for lunch. Perhaps, you can start by reducing the amount of rice and try to go for less oily and less fat items. if you can maintain doing this routine, get ready to say goodbye to your excess weight.

Here are some of the key benefits of Herbalife Formula 1 Shake
  • 10 seconds to healthy meal - without a blender.
  • 8.7g - 9.9 g of protein, 16 vitamins and minerals, calcium.
  • 0 trans fats.
  • Antioxidants of serving of fruit.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Why Lose Weight with Herbalife?

If you talk about losing weight or “diet”, I think people would think about not eating rice and avoid oily food and others. Well, I think everybody knows how to lose weight.. Eat less and exercise more! If it is that simple, why are there still people trying very hard to lose weight? This is where Herbalife can actually help you.

To explain in simpler way, perhaps we can refer to the table below

Typical Malaysian Meal
·   Nasi goreng/mee goreng/nasi lemak/roti canai
·   With telur goreng on the side
·   The tarik/kopi ‘O’/the ‘O’     
·  White rice
·  1 chicken /fish/meat/mutton/ seafood/
·  1 vegetable
·  1 additional ‘lauk’ – telur masin/hati ayam/telur goreng/begedil etc.
·  Limau ais/sirap limau/milo ais etc
·  Mixed rice
·  Goreng-goreng - nasi goreng pataya, nasi goreng USA, tom yam, and feel free to continue this list..

Now, if you refer to the table above, when you consume you meals you will feel full. And when you burp, you can smell the food you just had. But despite the “full” feeling, is it enough? Can the food we eat provide us the nutrition our body requires? Herbalife can assist you in this.

If you want to lose weight healthily, the steps are very simple..
1.       Replace you typical Malaysian breakfast with 1 Herbalife Formula 1 shake
2.       Have your lunch as normal
3.       Replace your typical Malaysian dinner with 1 Herbalife Formula 1 shake

If you can do this, you will lose weight definitely. I did and I know it works. Some of you may question, what if I skip breakfast and dinner, wouldn’t it be the same? The answer is maybe but where can you get the daily nutrition if you only have 1 meal per day?
By doing this, you can still enjoy rice, typical "ayam goreng" and so on. But you need to sacrifice your breakfast and dinner. If you find skipping dinner is so hard to do, call me as i will guide you on how to do so.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

The secret to losing weight

Now, I am pretty sure that you’ve heard about this particular product that I’m selling, Herbalife. And probably you’ve had some of your friends who have tried it but showed no result. Well, I was and still a customer of Herbalife and all I can say is that it works. It really does!

Perhaps there are a few factors why certain people failed in using the product and I can only assume that the method was rather incorrect. I used to be fat (refer to my previous posts) and I know how to tackle the stubborn fat and to get rid of them once and for all.

Maybe you can lose weight by not eating or by reducing the food intake but is it healthy? Can it give you the energy or the nutrition our body needs? If you’re happy with that method, please carry on. We live in a world where most of the foods that we consume are processed and probably the nutrition in the food might not be there at all. When we eat, we feel full… yes but how about our body health? Can the food we eat provide us the necessary nutrition for us to live healthily? Think about it. It’s not only about losing weight and looking great but we need to start focusing on the internal health and to live a better life.
For those who are interested to know more about Herbalife and how it can make you better, "weight" for the next post. Wohooo~!!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Picture Paints a Thousand Words..

These pictures were taken back in the days where i was in UNITEN.. still studying.. the "best" achievement in terms of weight was 125kg

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Basic Introduction (the typical 1st post)

I used to be fat. I used to eat a lot. Trust me when I say I eat a lot. I used to be labeled as DBKL or tong sampah as I will be the one to finish everyone’s food when they can’t finish them. One of the things that I cannot stand in this world is when people don’t finish their food. I think there was only once that I did not finish my food but at other times, I will definitely finish them regardless the taste and how full I already am. I used to eat a set meal for 4 person in Pizza Hut all by myself including the 4 soups and a jug of Pepsi. I used to spend 3 hours eating at a buffet. I can eat a typical burger in a bite and for those who know me personally, they know how much I used to eat.

I guess the reason why I’m doing this is to share that it is very very possible to lose weight and to look better. I believe that if I can do it, anyone out there who wish to lose some, can do so. That is my guarantee!

I know how it feels like to be big and I know how we feel guilty after consuming food that we know we’re not supposed to. I know the feeling that how I wish I’m slightly smaller so that I can wear that shirt or pants. I know how it feels like not being able to wear a comfortable t-shirt without looking unattractive. I know how it feels like when you see a shirt that you really like and only to find out that the XL size is still small for you. I know how it feels like to try to go on a diet and it doesn’t seem to work. I know how it feels like when you reduce your food intake but the reading on the scale doesn’t seem to budge at all. I know it all because I felt it all.

Maybe you are ok with the way you look now. I used to feel happy with the way I look back but I have to admit that if a choice is given to me whether to stay as I was or to be thinner, I guess I would go for the 2nd option. I’m not sure about you but I think you would make the same choice as I would.

Now, this is where I end my first post. Basically, I know what it feels like being big and I know all the eating habits that big people normally do and in this blog I wish to share the tips and tricks on how to lose weight effectively and healthily without any side effects. I have done it, so could you. In other words, everyone knows how to lose weight. Eat less and exercise more. Don't eat rice, cut down your sugar intake.. don't eat fried food.. everybody knows that but do they really work? i personally dont think so.. stay tuned for simple tips for the lazy ones (including me) to lose weight effectively and healthily..
If you wish to accept the challenge to lose weight, set your mind to it and just waitweightfortheday to come.